This week has been a monumental week.
First of all it REALLY DID SNOW here yesterday. SHORT & SWEET…but it really happened!
one of my dearest writer friends & and I have been very FOCUSED
on being STELLAR
as well as…..
being successful…
and OWNING our talents.
That probably sounds like crazy talk but between us it’s a HUGE thing!
I must say that the power of affirmations about your life…can cause DRASTIC powerful energy shifts. I printed out affirmations and put them everywhere in my home.
When I work out on my treadmill I do air-punches and repeat my affirmations over…and over. LOL!
I could do an ENTIRE post on how many AWESOME thing changed and occurred just this first week.Whew.
Believing in yourself…really is powerful peeps.
One physical thing my affirmations triggered for me was to CREATE my office area. I have a desk where I work from daily but it wasn’t fabulous or inspiring. And it hadn’t been for a LONG time.
As I kept doing my “I am a Writer and an Editor” affirmations…I started shifting my desk area around. Suddenly it started looking “for reals.” LOL. A real office. A real writer home office. DUH. How long have I worked from home as a writer and an editor and I just now get this? I’ve tried a little before…but never followed through completely.
Sooooooooooo as I created my office space…..I also made a CUTE decoration for my new area. {You knew I had to didn’t you???}
I have shown previous projects of CHICKENWIRE stapled to empty picture frames. This time I went BIG with the ♥chickenwire!
Oh yes I did.
I stapled a LARGE piece to my wall.
Like a BIG MAMMA memo board!
Seeeeeeeee! Love it! I have BIGGER plans for a WHOLE WALL piece…but this was all I had on hand.
It’s a great place for pictures, work reminders, design ideas, Jaxon art work and bill reminders.

I nailed two yard sticks and two strips of ribbon around the wire to sorta-kinda frame it out. It’s not at all perfect…but that’s PERFECTLY ok with me!
To attach papers/photos I used large and mini-sized clothes pins as well as simple, small binder clips. All items I already had!
Items used: ♥Chicken wire scraps
♥2 yard sticks
♥2 strips of ribbon
♥Staple Gun
♥Hammer & nails
Price for this project: $0.00 – I had everything on hand!
Lesson learned – Look around and use what you have to create NEW places and areas within your home!
Affirmations do WORK!
I. am. a. writer.
I. am. an. editor.
I. am. a. designer.
I am. a. photographer.
I. am. awesome.
I am. successful.
What are your affirmations? What do you believe about yourself?
Take a minute to create your own. We are ALL awesome in some fashion. What talent do you need to own? Just see what MOUNTAINS you can MOVE with a week of affirmations. I dare you.
Make it a HABIT to OWN your TALENT.
As a SUPER DUPER Friday extra….I found a quote this week that goes along with BELIEVING…and DOING…and making a HABIT of excellence and strength of character.
Here it is:
Make an affirmation.
Create your HABIT
of owning your strengths.
Download your own copy of HABIT print by clicking
P.S Don’t forget to swing by Facebook and Twitter and join in the Easie Peasie fun!!!
Happy Merry FRIDAY !!!
♥♥I linked this project to: