Happy Monday sweet cheeks! Hope your weekend was restful and marvelous. Mine was very restful…and overall pretty marvelous.
Today I wanted to show off all my cute bracelets I received from my fab-dabulous blog sistas! Remember how I told you to bust out your Swatch phones and Electric Youth perfume….and hurry your hinies up to sign up for the….

Well…I hope you DID! If not – you really missed out! It was SO FUN! Getting crafty mail is as exciting as CHRISTMAS! It’s way TOO FUN!
See all my goodies….

Treasures from like-minded crafty sistas – it just doesn’t’ get any better than that!

I was pretty lucky if I do say so myself. My trade partners are pretty awesome ladies.

Although I do have to confess, I didn’t make mine. With my brother being here on leave, on top of a book review and all of my regular editing and photography work…there was no time to make a cute bracelet. But FYI – I did go to Hobby Lobby in an attempt to put a cute “alternative” bracelet together…and found pre-made friendship bracelets. Thank you bunches Hobby Lobby! They were SUPER cute too!
But these ladies…made theirs. And they ROCK!

My brother brought me a pretty special bracelet too. Not knowing anything about my little trade. What perfect timing! He had a friend make it out of parachute cord. He told me I had to wear it forever. I bawled…and he made fun of me. [Those tough military guys – who would cry at a bracelet!?! That’s what he asked me! Ha ha!! I WOULD!]] Anyone who has a loved one in the military, who is back and forth from the Iraq/Afghanistan efforts knows…that something like that isn’t taken lightly. Of course I will wear it f.o.r.e.v.e.r.

Hmmmm…it looks like I got my wrist-ful of bracelets…just like I wanted!

If you didn’t sign up this time…watch out for the next round!! You must participate!! Trading friendship bracelets with bloggie girls…is SU-PAH THUMBS UP FUN!!

Click HERE if you want to see the original post by Ruffled Sunshine about the trade to bookmark it so you can participate next time!!
Have a ROCKIN’ BLESSED beginning of the week!