Happy new week everyone!
Whew..can’t you just SMELL the new FRESH week!
Yipeeeee! And it’s almost a new FRESH month. This is a big month in our house. Jaxon and I both have birthdays…and this little/BIG boy is turning 2! Oh F U N!!!
Today I wanted to share with you a small change that I implemented a few months ago that has really made BIG changes for me. I love when little things can HELP so much.
I have a little desky thing that I found on Craigslist and re-painted last summer. I have shuffled it all around my home…yet never found the right “home area” for it. That is…until I started seeing ideas about creating a message center in your home.
Hmm…message center?? What is that all about??
Here is mine:
And here is what I use it for:
The whole concept is an area for sorting items…organizing items that you need as you come and go from home…and for organizing important things like keys…mail…shoes…bags…etc.
Most of my “uses” are really common sense for most people. I have this thing….about taking the “LONG” way around to figure things out…and this was really major for me. Uh…hello Tiffany!
I LOVE how functional this area is now. And all I did was rearrange a few things. I DID NOT purchase one new thing to create this area. Free. Fabulous. And USEFUL. Awesome!
♦Junk mail does not make it to my desk…or any other area of my house for that matter. I chunk it on that desk…and it doesn’t move until I can filter it…trash it…and GET RID OF IT!
♦Important things like library books are placed there…so my MAMMA BRAIN doesn’t forget to grab it on the way out the door.
♦I can place important reminders on my chicken-wire memo board so that they are visible daily…and keep me REMINDED! lol!
♦A mirror is awesome there too…because sometimes I need to know that I look FRUMPA-LUMPAGUS…and should FRESHEN up before being seen in public!!LOL!!
♦I really utilize this area before Jaxon leaves for visitation weekends with his Dad. On the morning of the day that he leaves…I start piling all of the things he will need on this desk such as: his nebulizer…medications…clothes that we might have from his Dad’s house…important paperwork to be shared…or just anything…headed out the door for the weekend.
Seriously…this helps the transition go very smoothly. And I am less likely to forget important things which really cannot happen…because he will be traveling 2 hours away.
Here are some extra ideas I found for other message center ideas:
Love the shoe organizing…you could so spray paint a cookie sheet white and make one! Then add a table you are not using coupled with a few storage boxes…and a few memo board squares. CUTE!
Totally love the magnetic strip for important objects such as keys, scissors and flashlight. GENIUS!
This is a cool idea for trapping unwanted dusties and mud clumps from shoes. BUT…this would not work in our house. Not now anyways. Can you just see all of these rocks scattered all over my house? I CAN!!! Ha ha ha. But it’s very posh for non-toddler homes!
{All idea images are via marthastewart.com}
Teee-Totally love these shutters. Hello cute easy organizing for a message center! Hmmm…I need to find some small shutters like these! LOVE IT!
Well darlings…hopefully you have a few ideas and inspiration for a message center of your own! They really are wonderful…and make life…that much organized…and simplified! PINKY PROMISE!!!
Happy MONDAY!☺