We are having VERY COLD weather today in West Texas and it is super perfect for a warm cup of coffee and a little crafties. I told you yesterday I would show you my Christmas activity countdown Advent calendar….
This is it:

It’s very simple. I found it HERE.
I printed it and glued it to a piece of poster board. Then I used ribbon and burlap to jazz it up a teeny bit. Then, I wrote in all our activities for the month with a pen. Easie peasie!!

Today we are making homemade gifts for my brother’s Christmas package that my Mom will be mailing today. He’s serving in the Army in Afghanistan and we want to make sure he gets his Christmas goodies in time for Christmas.
Jaxon painted him a picture…..

And we have a few rocks he also painted that we made into PET ROCKS! Too cute!!!

First Jaxon painted our rocks with all kinds of paint and glitter paint. He has sooooo much fun painting rocks. He wants to paint every rock he sees now.

Then I hot-glued googlie eyes on and added a few feathers for a snazzy hair-doo on one.

I originally wanted to make these into pet rock turkeys, but with my random health issue that popped up we didn’t have time to get them done. Next year we so are! What divine timing though…it turned out perfect for a gift for our Uncle Josh!! He will love it too…these rocks are from a hiking trip we did with him when he was home on leave this Summer…so they are even more SUPER SPECIAL.

You could do SOOOO many things with these. I left them in as much as the original state Jaxon painted them…but I can’t wait to try them again as he gets older to see what he creates!

These are a cute, frugal and sentimental gift the any one would love. They can be used as paper weight at the office, a decoration and a reminder of your LOVE!
I love that these are virtually free too…if you have paint…and rocks…you are SET!
Happy gift-making!
Love and blessings!

P.S. Don’t forget to leave a comment on THIS post about Head & Shoulders to win a $50 Visa gift card courtesy of BlogHer!
This is it:
It’s very simple. I found it HERE.
I printed it and glued it to a piece of poster board. Then I used ribbon and burlap to jazz it up a teeny bit. Then, I wrote in all our activities for the month with a pen. Easie peasie!!
Today we are making homemade gifts for my brother’s Christmas package that my Mom will be mailing today. He’s serving in the Army in Afghanistan and we want to make sure he gets his Christmas goodies in time for Christmas.
Jaxon painted him a picture…..
And we have a few rocks he also painted that we made into PET ROCKS! Too cute!!!
First Jaxon painted our rocks with all kinds of paint and glitter paint. He has sooooo much fun painting rocks. He wants to paint every rock he sees now.
Then I hot-glued googlie eyes on and added a few feathers for a snazzy hair-doo on one.
I originally wanted to make these into pet rock turkeys, but with my random health issue that popped up we didn’t have time to get them done. Next year we so are! What divine timing though…it turned out perfect for a gift for our Uncle Josh!! He will love it too…these rocks are from a hiking trip we did with him when he was home on leave this Summer…so they are even more SUPER SPECIAL.
You could do SOOOO many things with these. I left them in as much as the original state Jaxon painted them…but I can’t wait to try them again as he gets older to see what he creates!
These are a cute, frugal and sentimental gift the any one would love. They can be used as paper weight at the office, a decoration and a reminder of your LOVE!
I love that these are virtually free too…if you have paint…and rocks…you are SET!
Happy gift-making!
Love and blessings!
P.S. Don’t forget to leave a comment on THIS post about Head & Shoulders to win a $50 Visa gift card courtesy of BlogHer!
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