We totally LOVE IT!
Everyone who comes over…colors and draws something on it!
It brings out the kid in you for sure! F U N!!
Granny bought us a GINORMOUS box of every color of chalk possible. Soooo fun!
For anyone who is curious…yes it makes a mess. Chalk dust is messy. I have to wipe it up frequently. We enjoy it enough…that I don’t mind cleaning it up though. Keep that in mind if you decide to do an entire wall that will be used frequently.
All I did was use the same recipe I used on my other chalkboard…family motto board…found by clicking HERE.
**** 1 cup of paint + 2T grout *****
I used my sanded grout again which is not what the original recipes called for. Yes it worked. My wall already had quite a bit of texture so it was not going to be a perfectly smooth area to write on anyways.
I used what I had!! You know how I rolllllll. LOL!☺
I do admit…I did freak out a little bit at first. The dust thing made me have a slight lump in my throat. Ha ha ha. It’s aall good in the hood now though.
Jaxon drew is first “real” object on it. Which made my art teacher heart♥ happy…that’s a BIG step! Not just scribbles…
Can you tell what it is??
The circle in the middle….with legs coming out of it.
He said…..
“Mamma….es a SPIIIDUURRRR!!!”
Yep…made my day! Isn’t it the sweetest thing ever!!! I love watching him grow…and moments like that are one’s I would like to remember forever!!!♥
He had an EXCELLENT weekend. His Granny and PawPaw took him to Toys R Us to pick out a HotWheels track….
He can barely eat or sleep…it interferes with his play time. LOL.
We also did a photo shoot of Jaxon’s Aunt, Uncle and cousins this past week. They brought his other sweet pea cousin so we could do a photo shoot of all the grandkids….pretty sweet!!! We love when we get a chance to photograph the people we love! My Aunt gave us the DELISH trunk for a prop…it was PERFECT for these munchkins!!! Aren’t they just TOO STINKIN’ CAAA-UUUUTE!! Can you tell they LOVE each other??☺
And I must close this post by saying that I’m a GENERIC buying Mamma…but maybe I shouldn’t skimp and buy the cheap popsicles….
I’m just saying…for a few more cents I would like both sticks PLEASE! Ha ha ha ha!!!
Happy MONDAY!!!
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The wall looks fantastic!!
I painted a door in my house with chalkboard paint about a month ago and we absolutely LOVE it!! It's so much fun and whimsical :)
Haute To Sew
I love chalkboard walls...going to get one done around here soon! Love the pictures of the kiddos...too cute! Love your blog!
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