Happy MONDAY!!!
How was your weekend???
Mine started yuck…but ended wonderful!
I had the best day yesterday.
My Best Friend and I started the day with a Trunque of Junque sunrise photo session of a precious newborn.
Then I spent the majority of the afternoon taking a Sunday drive around my area and then on to a town nearby.
Starting here…a famous little area of telephone poles in our county that were once decorated with boots, work caps and gloves. Quirky and almost creeeeeeepy right???
{{Let me just warn you now…this is a very LONG post with a LOT of PICTURES}}
Time and weather have taken their toll on a lot of the boots….
The other two poles used to have more items…but they are slowly almost completely gone.
This is what is left on the caps pole…
And the glove pole….
I’ve never met anyone who knows the true story of how all the poles were decorated…and who did it. It’s just a weird thing that everyone knows about in our county. It’s a bazaar Texas [[maye even slightly hillbilly]] thing I guess. LOL.
This abandoned church isn’t too far down the road from the poles and is equally as creepy. We checked out the inside a few years back…very eerie.
Further down the road we discovered….there is a little bit of water in West Texas!!!
But we had to crawl through this to go see it…GULP.
Some spots of the creek were stagnant…stinky…sulfur…pools of yuckness.
I took this picture of my shadow…just a few seconds before…I slipped and FELL in a HUGE bowl of SULFUR STINKY MUCKY MUD!!! LOVELY!!!! I am SO GRACEFUL!
After I got up…and regained my dignity…STINKY and all…we hiked back to the car! But look at the opposite side of the creek…DRY AS A BONE. We need serious rain in West Texas right now.
As dry as it is…there are still the STRONG weeds and little flowers that survive. Like these little pretties.
A little further down the road…more WATER! This time MUCH more!!!
And a LOT of SWALLOWS!! At first I couldn’t understand why there were SO MANY!!
A few steps under the bridge and I figured it out pretty quickly. If you look closely right at the top of the picture you can see their entire little MUD NEST city!! There were nests everywhere!
Here’s the view under the bridge to the opposite side we were standing.
Looking at water that murky color…with teeny tiny minnows darting around in it reminded me of being little and going to work with my Dad. My brother and I would go with him to check his leases…and we would have hot dog roasts on the Pecos River. My brother and I spent hours trying to catch those sneaky super FAST minnows! LOL.
There were even a few more pretty flowers growing in the area….
Further down the road I spotted this bridge…
You probably can’t really tell that it’s a bridge…but it is. A really long bridge.
It was made of wood slats and rope and went across an entire canyon area. And it was very hidden. We had to turn around…and drive really slow until we were at the perfect angle to see it again. I want to know the story behind it!!! It was on fenced, private property or else I would have hiked closer for more detailed pictures!!
Isn’t this mailbox a hoot???
And I had to get a few pictures of a delicious old building that is actually an old dance hall. Texas dancehalls…are just so yummy.
How could you not love those chippy, old RED doors!
Let me say that this is not my hometown. It’s a neighboring town…Big Spring. Which has an amazing, old historic downtown. Most of the shops are sadly vacant…but it’s still a great spot to look for PHOTO session spots. I’m diggin’ the back of this building!!!
And I found the doors of all doors…that when my BFF/biz partner sees this she will flip. Lorie..yes…here are our DOORS!! Do you see what I see?? It starts with a B!!! LOL!!
I really wanted to see what was behind those doors…but couldn’t. Here’s the front doors….
And a few more buildings….
I don’t know who would let these awesome signs collect dust in an abandoned building. Ahem…I will take them off of your hands!!! Better yet I will take the entire building for a photo studio and art studio!!
And to me…this is the epitome of business in a small town. This was at the local printing business. LOL.
A lot of the dusty windows were covered in scribbles. I didn’t really look closely to what they said (probably a good thing)…but they were sure dusty!! The dust has blown a lot this SPRING.
These train cars are a coffee house and I think a restaurant…I’m going to have to return and check it out during business hours!!!
There were amazing pretty flowers planted all along the downtown area. I might have a blossom of my own…don’t tell anyone!
We found more water at the park…and this should be called Turtle Cove.
See the PaPa turtle sunning at the edge of the cliff….
That duck was awfully brave…he’s evidently never been bitten by turtle before!!!
More scribbles and graffiti….I bet Ben and Summer aren’t even together anymore…LOL.
Our final pit stop was at the National Park overlooking the town and area…so PRETTY! And refreshing!!! I love my TEXAS…and WIDE OPEN SPACES….where you can see fore miles…and miles…and miles…

I had the best afternoon…SUNSHINE for me is SOULSHINE.
I needed a few rays and fresh air.
I even got a free SULFUR MUD BATH. How lucky am I to be so CLUMSY! LOL!
Hope you all have an INSPIRED MONDAY and even more FANTASTIC week!!
What an amazing Sunday drive...
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