Do you have your Summer reading list ready to go?
I did something a little different, I wanted to have a summer reading list, but I also know I couldn’t [and shouldn’t for that matter] go spend a bunch on a stack of books.
Sooo…I looked around my house for books I had been meaning to read…but hadn’t. Or books that I have read…that I wanted to re-read. It’s funny how you can totally re-discover a book…you already own!
I’m thoroughly enjoying myself too! And I didn’t spend a dime! Here’s what is on my list for this summer:

I wasn’t too sure about this book. I had hear that Beth Moore’s books were amazing…but I’m always the skeptic. When I finally dove into it…I loved it.
I’m about half-way through it already and can see how insecurity has most definitely sabotaged my dignity for a long time.
Wow. It’s pretty phenomenal. I did the prayer to restore my dignity [that will make sense when you read it] last night…which ironically was Independence Day…in more ways than one I guess! Every woman should read this one.

I have read “My Single Mom Life” at least 20 times or more during the past year. My Mom bought this book for me after church on the Sunday after my world fell apart.
From that moment on…I’ve devoured every word of this book. Sometimes I just re-visit chapters to restore my direction and faith.
Sometimes I need to read the inspiration on these pages to keep going. I cannot say enough about this book. If you know someone who is going through a divorce or is a single Mom…please get them this book. It is really what saved me in the worst moments of my single Mom journey. And it continues to be an inspiration for me.
Angela showed me how important it is to make my home a haven for Jaxon because he would thrive in the consistency of comfort of our home….even if his world had changed and he was going back and forth for visitations. That was a BIG thing…and it really works. She also talks about being the spiritual guidance for your children…because someone has to be that person and role model in the situation. I haven’t been perfect…but I keep on trying to do better.
Every single bit of advice she gives…I have taken to heart…and it has made huge differences. L o v e it. Cannot say enough good things about this book!!

I’ve read this book of daily meditations for over 10 years now. I never get tired of this book. And it’s daily meditations always speak to me in new ways.
I also LOVE looking at the Joyful Simplicities listed for each month. If I can, I try to do them to jazz up our monthly activities! It’s really fun! July’s list includes some great ideas such as stargazing with your family or sharing a potluck picnic with family after a 4th of July parade. She also suggests creating a dinner party around a theme from a film/movie – how fun. I might try that one!!
I adore Simple Abundance. It has been my inspiration for living a simpler life in pursuit of finding abundance in the true elements of happiness. Not in new shoes, clothes, cars or material objects, but in simple things like Jaxon’s smile, a paid bill, a delicious dinner. The little, truly delightful things of everyday life. I get off-track and forget to do my meditations, so I’ve committed to at least staying focused during the Summer months.
So what about you?? Anything interesting on your Summer reading list? I would love to hear about any great books you are indulging in!!!
Happy Tuesday!!

I did something a little different, I wanted to have a summer reading list, but I also know I couldn’t [and shouldn’t for that matter] go spend a bunch on a stack of books.
Sooo…I looked around my house for books I had been meaning to read…but hadn’t. Or books that I have read…that I wanted to re-read. It’s funny how you can totally re-discover a book…you already own!
I’m thoroughly enjoying myself too! And I didn’t spend a dime! Here’s what is on my list for this summer:
I wasn’t too sure about this book. I had hear that Beth Moore’s books were amazing…but I’m always the skeptic. When I finally dove into it…I loved it.
I’m about half-way through it already and can see how insecurity has most definitely sabotaged my dignity for a long time.
Wow. It’s pretty phenomenal. I did the prayer to restore my dignity [that will make sense when you read it] last night…which ironically was Independence Day…in more ways than one I guess! Every woman should read this one.
I have read “My Single Mom Life” at least 20 times or more during the past year. My Mom bought this book for me after church on the Sunday after my world fell apart.
From that moment on…I’ve devoured every word of this book. Sometimes I just re-visit chapters to restore my direction and faith.
Sometimes I need to read the inspiration on these pages to keep going. I cannot say enough about this book. If you know someone who is going through a divorce or is a single Mom…please get them this book. It is really what saved me in the worst moments of my single Mom journey. And it continues to be an inspiration for me.
Angela showed me how important it is to make my home a haven for Jaxon because he would thrive in the consistency of comfort of our home….even if his world had changed and he was going back and forth for visitations. That was a BIG thing…and it really works. She also talks about being the spiritual guidance for your children…because someone has to be that person and role model in the situation. I haven’t been perfect…but I keep on trying to do better.
Every single bit of advice she gives…I have taken to heart…and it has made huge differences. L o v e it. Cannot say enough good things about this book!!
I’ve read this book of daily meditations for over 10 years now. I never get tired of this book. And it’s daily meditations always speak to me in new ways.
I also LOVE looking at the Joyful Simplicities listed for each month. If I can, I try to do them to jazz up our monthly activities! It’s really fun! July’s list includes some great ideas such as stargazing with your family or sharing a potluck picnic with family after a 4th of July parade. She also suggests creating a dinner party around a theme from a film/movie – how fun. I might try that one!!
I adore Simple Abundance. It has been my inspiration for living a simpler life in pursuit of finding abundance in the true elements of happiness. Not in new shoes, clothes, cars or material objects, but in simple things like Jaxon’s smile, a paid bill, a delicious dinner. The little, truly delightful things of everyday life. I get off-track and forget to do my meditations, so I’ve committed to at least staying focused during the Summer months.
So what about you?? Anything interesting on your Summer reading list? I would love to hear about any great books you are indulging in!!!
Happy Tuesday!!
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