Happy END of DECEMBER friends! Oh my gravy! Last week of the YEAR 2011!! Whooohooooo!
I’m busy working on new things for Easie Peasie this week. I want everything to be in line for the new year next week. The biggest thing…I’m combining my blog and photography/design company. I have 3 Facebook pages, 2 blogs and 3 email accounts. It’s total INSANITY keeping up with it all. And I am D.O.N.E. with all that craziness.
After this week all photo session sneak peeks and design goodies will be posted here. I will no longer even use my Easie Peasie Photography & Design Co. Facebook page. Everything will be under Easie Peasie. I can already feel the relief. My company is a big part of my life, and I don’t know why I thought I needed to separate that from Easie Peasie the blog. I’m so silly sometimes. So…get ready for lot’s of photo fun, business ideas and design goodies on top of all our blog fun!
Another change that I’m sure you have already noticed is the look of Easie Peasie. The swallow is my new logo and will be for all things Easie Peasie. I’ll go into more details on that later in the week. I’m so super excited about the changes…and how much simpler my life will be because of them! YAY!
So let’s talk Christmas. I am so so so glad it’s over. I loved every second of it. But I’m glad it’s on to the new year now. We had such a BLESSED Christmas. More blessings than I am worthy or deserving of for sure. And I won’t go on an on about what we got for our Christmas goodies. But there are a few things…I’m TOTALLY LOVING!!!
I am now a Sperry shoe convert.
In. Love. With. These. Shoes.♥

In love with….
Bath & Body Works Be Enchanted smellies. I can’t stop spraying it!

Jaxon could care less…but I am SO STOKED that he got new Van’s. I’ve been planning a photo shoot with THESE SHOES for at least 4 months now. I can’t WAIT! (( I might have photo issues…do you plan sessions with your kids like this too?? LOL!! ))

One of my favorite handmade gifts was a cross my Step-Sister Mandy made me. Oh. My. Goodness.
Love it! It’s SO SPECIAL!!!

It goes PERFECT on my faith/cross wall!

I made this FAITH sign the other day too! I made it with an old piece of wood, vintage buttons from an estate sale, vintage glass beads from the thrift store, old book pages and scrapbook paper. Love it!

Hope you are enjoying your last week of the year!!!
Love, hugs and SHAG RUGS!