Happy new and bright and SHINY week to you!! How’s your Monday so far?
Mine? Oh it’s pretty swell! Not too many complaints. Except…my little man isn’t here.

There are no dinosaur-hauling tricycles rolling through the house today.

This cute face isn’t here.

And hasn’t been here since Friday. And won’t be until Sunday. GULP! It’s his first time to EVER be gone from home that long.
I’m trying to stay calm. But it’s not easy!! I’ve decided to be positive about the entire situation. He’s getting some extra time with his Dad…and I’m getting some much needed single Mamma rest.
I’m using this time to rejuvenate and get ready for another year of rockin’ it out as a single Mamma.
I always joke that people think visitation is just for the Dads and kiddos…but really it’s for the Mammas who are raising their kiddos to rest, rejuvenate and replenish their soul strength to keep doing a great job!
♥♥My goals for this week are:
Clean my entire house top to bottom & de-clutter
Clean off files off of my computer and back up my system
Organize my office
Read a good book
Indulge in something artistic
Pamper myself
Try something new
Lot’s of editing and writing for work
So far I’ve been doing pretty good!
Friday my Dad and I loaded a TRALIER full of clutter junk to haul off from my house. Oh that felt Grrrreat! Bye bye clutter!!
Saturday I met my cousin for some fun at Summer Mummers in Midland. Something the OLD Tiffany wouldn’t have been brave enough to do. I marched right up there…and had a LARGE time!!
Summer Mummers is actually the longest running summer theatre in Texas! Pretty neato!! You can read more about it by clicking HERE!
I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to be taking pictures so I snuck a few. They are all mostly blurry and crazy! But they are cute!!

I could barely hear the actors. But what I did hear was hilarious! It reminded me of my One Act Play days back in the day!!

I think the main thing about the whole event….is throwing popcorn…at every one!!!

And drinking beer…..

And throwing more popcorn!!! Wouldn’t you hate to be on that clean up crew??

It’s hysterical!! You can’t help but have a GREAT time!!! I laughed the ENTIRE TIME!!! And threw popcorn at random strangers! Popcorn stress relief! LOL!!

This is the only shot of my cousin and I that I got…and of course it’s WONKY! LOL!!!

You can tell we had a BLAST though!!!
I reeked of popcorn when I got home …like oily-popcorny-smell…even in my hair!!! It was so worth it though!! I plan on going every summer now!!! Love it!!! I’m saving my mug for round two in Summer 2012!
I tried something new on Sunday…my Dad my homemade crepes with fresh fruit! Never had them! They are AH-mazing!!! Then…I went swimming after dark…under the stars! That was FUN!! And relaxing! I think stars may have star beams that give you extra soul power! LOL! It was very refreshing!!!
My Mamma hooked me up with two great reads for the week!
First one from my beloved Pioneer Woman…Ree Drummond…
Black Heels to Tractor Wheels

And the Somerset Digital Studio magazine. Oh deeeeelish!!
I’m already in the 5th chapter of Black Heels to Tractor Wheels and have already decided to use a few elements from the Somerset magazine to redecorate my blog!!! I love digital art inspiration!!!
Whew…crazy busy huh??? And there’s more!!! I applied to graduate school for the Fall at my old Alma Mater!!
I’m so excited and dying from anticipation to see if I am in…and can start!! I will be travelling once a month to Alpine…a 3-plus hour drive to the gorgeous mountains for class.
It’s my heaven. My soul still resides there. I decided to just GET ‘ER DONE and go for it!! It’s little scary…graduate homework is no joke! But I think I’m ready to tackle it! I juggle everything else…I can do this!! I GOT THIS!
Soooooo….depending on if I get in…which I hope so!!!! Our lives will be changing a little. In a good way! And in a year you can call me MASTER Tiffany! LOL!!
I will keep you posted!!!
Much love!!!