
Friday, August 31, 2012

We survived!!

Today is the last school day of the week…and I’m happy to report we survived. Oh my word…who knew how TIRING the entire week would be? I don’t know about you…but I’m EXHAUSTED!

Here is Jaxon on his first day of Montessori school….

first day

This was the ONLY morning he was this happy…because he didn’t know what to expect. Every morning since…it’s crocodile (or as he says “crocodiller”) tears. It is slowly getting better.

About mid-week I had to go to church and pray right after I left him at school. My heart was so heavy from seeing him cry and dislike to stay at school. Whew.

I feel so blessed we have this amazing little school to be a part of and as each day passes…I know God has us right where we should be. Even if it’s hard and he cries every day right now.

And as each day passes…my little munchkin cries a little less to be there. I hope your week has been getting better too if you are in the same position! Prayers for Mammas everywhere adjusting to school!! BIG HUGS!!!

Hope you have a MARVELOUS Friday!!

P.S. Thank you for your WARM thoughts and emails and comments sent lately! I love each and every one of you!!!! It means so much to me to be surrounded by my LOVING readers!

P.S.S. I made something really cute for you!! Facebook fans already have access to it…if you haven’t seen it yet…I’ll be blogging it this weekend!!



Sunday, August 26, 2012

Our Bible verse for this week in our house is:

Matthew 17:20

New International Version (NIV)
20 He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”

♥Faith...even as small as a mustard seed...can move mountains.♥


Saturday, August 25, 2012

Happy Saturday!

Hope you have an AWESOMELY BLESSED weekend full of LOVE and LAUGHTER!!♥

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Afternoon Pick-Me-Up Mocha Protein Shake

Do you have a lot to get done today?


And I’m sleepy!

I just remembered I have all the stuff to whip up a protein shake.

Caffeine plus protein = a perfect afternoon snack!!

Here’s my yummo creation:


Here’s the recipe:

3/4 cup ice

3/4 cup vanilla almond milk

1 tsp of Stevia (next time I’m leaving this out)

1 banana

1 handful fresh spinach

2 T peanut butter

1 packet of instant coffee (I used Starbucks Verona flavor)

Combine all the ingredients in your blender until smooth like a milk shake.

It’s packed with protein…plus a little energy boost without a bunch of sugar!

((You could add your choice of flavored protein powder for a SUPAH protein boost. I just think it tastes and smells grody….so I leave it out! LOL!))


Happy Tuesday!!



Thursday, August 16, 2012

I’m itching to pull out my Fall decorations…

I'm so stinkin' excited it's the middle of August. Not because it's almost time for school to start again...and not that summer is over. But.....because that means Fall is right around the corner.
My Fall Pinterest board has been growing daily with new ideas.....
I really want some of these lighted tree branches. I bought some last year at Target and they were the halogen ones…ugggh. They looked blue and unnatural. Evidently everyone else like them because when I returned them the natural lights were out. This year…by gosh…I want some! I may have to order them.

Love this for the mantle in the Fall!
image via Aunt Ruthies

I would spend a few hours out here reading….well probably studying. I don’t have time for pleasure reading these days lol.
pretty outdoor fall
image via Classy in the City

I love this entire house. I’ll take one of everything please!!!!
lovely fall tablescape & awesome table.
image via Common Ground

I adore these log placemats….
Log Placemats
image via Wedding Chicks

These pumpkin topiaries are DARLIN’!!!
pumpkin topiary
image found HERE

Maybe I will just pull out one or two pumpkins. And add a few each day…until it is really Fall. Ha ha ha!!

Have a BLESSED day!!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Change is a good thing…

So I changed my hair. Like bigtime changed it.
It has taken me two weeks to be okay with it. Yes that’s silly. But it is such a BIG change it took me a little bit to get used to it.

I cut over 6 inches and darkened it. Like way darker.
At first I honestly thought I wasn’t pretty anymore. Like if I didn’t have long hair…I wouldn't be pretty. How crazy right??? Ha ha ha.

I love it now. Like love, love, love, love it.

I haven’t changed it like this since before Jaxon was born. I think it was time.
Change….is a good thing.

[[ We were taking silly pictures with glasses + mustaches. Gosh I love his heart. ]]

Here’s to embracing change…and being brave enough to do it. ♥

Monday, August 13, 2012

Montessori + Bento….

Happy beginning of the week!

Is it just me, or is it absolutely crazy that it is already the middle of August? Gulp! Summer is quickly fading away. And I’m slightly happy yet a tad sad.

We have big changes around the corner in our home with the upcoming Fall and school year.

Jaxon is attending Montessori school this year. Yep. *tear* My big boy is starting school this year. He’s only 3 1/2 but starting in the primary classroom at our local Montessori school. I am so ecstatic. One of the major  benefits of our move this summer was that he would be able to attend Montessori. It’s literally just a few blocks away. I am one very HAPPY Mamma. I cannot wait to see how much he will blossom with this change. At the same time it is a tad hard. He has been my sidekick for the last almost 4 years. This is a new chapter in our life. It will be great though! We are so BLESSED to have such a great opportunity. I’ve researched and dreamed about Jaxon being in Montessori since he was born.

Since my big boy will be in school now, I get to finally make him Bento lunches. I have been saving Bento ideas since he was born. I’m so not kidding. I have all the little cutters and cute accessories all stored up. Pretty funny right?

Just look at how cute they are:

Pinned Image

image via:



image via


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image via


I really want to try these out. Jaxon isn’t a big boiled egg eater, but I am. Lol. They are just too stinkin’ cute!! Maybe if they were shaped he might try them. He loves scrambled eggs…I’ll have to test them and see.

Pinned Image

image via


I will definitely be sharing our Bento lunch adventure as well as all our Montessori experiences.

**Click the link under each image to learn more about each resource.**

Hope your week has started of great!



Saturday, August 11, 2012

Banana Bread Bars with Brown Butter Frosting….yummo!

Jax and I made a huge mess in the kitchen last night…


We made these melt-in-your-mouth Banana Bread Bars with Brown Butter Frosting …so the mess was totally worth it.


My icing didn’t turn out as pretty as the original recipe. I’m such an airhead that when my timer went off for the stove saying it was warmed up and ready…I turned the entire stove off….thinking I had turned off the timer. So by the time the bars baked…the icing had already set. I am a GENIUS at times I tell ya!

It still tastes like HEAVEN!

I found this on Pinterest and it was AWESOME!

We have made plates and shared with everyone we love today. It’s a great recipe to bake and share with friends and neighbors!!


You can find the original recipe at Life’s Original Measures HERE.

Have a wonderful and blessed weekend!!!



Wednesday, August 8, 2012

I’m almost done with Summer school!

Oh my goodness. If you would have told me how chaotic and stressful my Summer would have been…I would have ran as far away as possible.

I had the genius idea to take Summer grad classes…and move 3 hours away from my home town in the middle of it all.

It was marvelous!! LOL!

This is my last week of Summer school. I survived!!! I take my final exam tomorrow. Fingers, ears and toes crossed for a  good grade!! Then I have a whole 2 weeks off! What the what?? 2 weeks of no reading, no homework, no grad school?

Ooohhhhh I’m delighted!!

I’m working this year on campus as a graduate assistant in the Language & Literature department which I’m super stoked about. But for 2 weeks…I’m not thinking about any of it! NADA!!

My creative project for this class was a short graphic story. The class is Graphic Novels so we have to create some sort of graphic/illustrated work. Can you guess who my subject was??

page1 text


Of course it was Jax!! Ha ha ha!


page11 text


These are just a few frames from the whole work. It was a really fun project!

Hope your week has been great so far!!



Monday, August 6, 2012

It's August...can we put out pumpkins yet?

I'm so ready for Fall!
Like really...I might get my pumpkins out. LOL!

 I keep seeing gorgeousness 
like this....

 image via Country Living 

 and well...I'm ready to start NOW!

Happy Monday! XoXo Tiffany

Friday, August 3, 2012

Happy Friday!

Happy Friday…




From me and my love bug!! Do something silly and fun that makes you SMILE today!!




Thursday, August 2, 2012

August already???


Oh my word!
Is it really already AUGUST?

I don't know about you...but as Summer winds down...things sure are getting busier!

I was out of town this past weekend...and did a GORGEOUS bridal shoot.

I wish I could show you all the gorgeous shots...but until the wedding...this is all you get....

Have an AWESOME day!!