
Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!!♥

Whooo hooooo! We are still ALIVE! Jax and I made it through the flu-cold-junkorama sickness of the past week. Goodness! I have not been that sick since I taught school! You know teachers – you always get the WORST colds and FLU! Or at least I always did…even despite my GALLON SIZE GERM-X bottle and LYSOLING everyone’s desks all the time. LOL.

We are doing MUCH bettah!!! Well we still cough like a lung might come loose…but goodness…I can handle a COUGH!

We had a SUPER BUSY weekend and had SUCH a GREAT time!!! I had some AH-mazing photo sessions. I get so emotional just talking about them…and looking at them. God continues to bless me beyond all imagination. I am just in awe!!!

Here’s a few teasers from the weekend:
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Can you tell it was a FUN-filled weekend!! Taking pictures is so NOT WORK for me. It’s just a blessing of FUN!!!

I have LOT’S more to share with you this week! Jax and I did a FUN painting PROJECT! And I’m on a MISSION to get my little CASA back in order after a LONG semester of graduate school and WORK. Uughh! I thought I would BLOG it so I would be DEDICATED to finishing it! I also want to chat about Mamma Weight Loss ideas this week too! Goodness…what else can we throw in the pot to chit chat about! LOL!!!

And speaking of chit-chatting. I pretty much have the BEST friends in my blog readers. I can’t even begin to express how GRATEFUL I am for all of you who commented and emailed me while Jax and I were sick last week. To me – that is what blogging is all about. The sweet friends from all over the world that you bond with and support on our journeys! Love y’all and THANK YOU so MUCH!!!

Hap-hap-hap-HAPPY Halloweeeeeeeeeen!!!

Hope your week is MARVELOUS!!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

How our week is going....

Jax and I have both been a little under the weather this week. Well more like...we have been completely sick as can be.I did a cheerleader photo session on Monday and could barely talk! I think we are on the flip-side of the worst THANK GOODNESS!

We've had the vaporizer on non-stop, the nebulizer going every 4 hours for breathing treatments,  and all the other "cold season" things going in full gear! Not fun!
Hope you all are having a MUCH SUNNIER week than we are!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Bow-making crafties for my photography studio!

Happy TUESDAY! Hope your day is GRAND so far. I just wanted to share a few pictures of some bows I made for my photography studio. My wish is – to have a LARGE collection on-hand of bows and hair-goodies for clients to choose from for their sweet pea’s sessions! Here’s a few I whipped up to get started….

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I made these for a TWIN one-month old session I had this past weekend.

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Here are the sweet GIRLS with them on -

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Here are the rest of them…..

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Bows are SO FUN to make!! Have you made any pretties lately!! I’d love to see your pretties too!!!

Have a SUPER day!!



Monday, October 24, 2011

We had a little visitor!!

There are some things that I have not anticipated happening with my little journey as a Mamma. One of them being…the joy my little boy would experience when seeing our first turtle in the backyard!! We had so much fun playing with our little visitor. I’m not sure if he did or not…or she…but we sure enjoyed it!

Jaxon was completely mesmerized and kept saying “Mamma…look a TUR-TUR!!Mustangs 012

He looooves animals. He will sit and look at his animal books for hours. And don’t even get him started on all the animals Diego rescues!

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What a big TUR-TUR too!! It’s actually one of the biggest ones I’ve seen in my life – in West Texas. I’m sure it’s drought related though sadly. I’ve heard that even the native turtle population has been greatly hit by the lack of rainfall.

My neighbor actually found the big guy – and then he escaped to our backyard. After meeting my dogs he/she has re-thought that escape and returned back home!

But not before I could do a little photo shoot! LOL!
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I’m so glad that Jaxon get’s to experience things like this. There’s only so many pictures that you can look at…but seeing REAL animals is priceless. And in our own backyard…love that!

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Maybe you too will find some animals in your backyard today!!

Hope you have a BLESSED beginning of the week!!



Sunday, October 23, 2011

I’m hosting a Fall Holiday Card craft party!!

If you are in my neck of the woods…like West Texas…then you might be interested in mingling!! I’m hosting a craft party to make Fall Holiday Cards! It’s going to be SUPER FUN!

I always make homemade cards every year and I don’t think everyone realizes not only how cute they are…but how inexpensive and easy it really is!!

Soooo….Saturday, October 29th if you want to join us leave me a comment or email me at It’s $15 to attend – but that’s for all of your craftie supplies! We will eat, laugh and make crafties! Soooo much FUN! I am limiting it to 10 people because oh my word…my casa is LITTLE! So sign up early!!

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Hope to see you!!!

Have a BLESSED Sunday!



Saturday, October 22, 2011

I finally mastered fish-braiding my hair!

Hi – hi – hi !!! So I’m 32 and I finally figured out how to fish-braid my hair. I know, I know… that’s pretty silly and maybe not even relevant to some. But for me…I’m so super stoked!

This tutorial is what finally helped me!!


image via: A Beautiful Mess


I’m going to do my own version and share! Can’t wait!!


Have a GREAT rest of the weekend!!



Tuesday, October 18, 2011

To carve…or not to carve?? Tis the question!!

Are you carving your pumpkins this year?? I always try to do some pumpkin crafty with Jax and this year, I’m totally thinking NO CARVING. It’s a mess…and the insides are kind of stinky. LOL! Plus…I don’t care how much Vaseline you slap on them…they still get funky and wilty. Well mine do anyways. They go from happy faces…to creepy looking faces! Ha ha!!

I’ve been compiling a few ideas I’ve found and am pretty excited to find some cute NON-carving ideas!! Thought I would share just in case any of you are on the fence about carving this year too!
Super cute YARN idea!

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image via: Two Shades of Pink

Hmmmm….totally love these!
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image via: Woman’s Day

This might not be too hard?? If you can line up the doily right! I probably would SMUDGE it! LOL!
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image via: Better Homes and Gardens

I totally love all the DECORATIVE tapies that are available now. This would be easy! But you would probably have to add some adhesive – I’m just saying…masking tape sometimes POPS up! Maybe modern masking tape sticks better??? LOL!
Pumpkins decorated with tape
image via: Real Simple

I really LOVE Meg’s pumpkins and I think we are totally going the PAINT route! Jaxon LOVES to paint and I think he will LOVE doing this!!!! And well…so will MAMMA! LOL! Just look how HAPPY all the color is! LOVE IT!!
image via: Whatever

Hope your week is going SUPAH!!!!!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Get Crafty with Cleetus!

Have you seen these? Oh my word...hilarious!

Have a GREATweekend laugh!!


Friday, October 14, 2011

Calling all BRILLIANT women!!

Have you seen this? Can I get an AMEN!!!!!!!!
Let your light SHINE!!!!
I so LOVE this!

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Fall Traditions–taking pictures of your munchkins!

Hi lovelies!

How are you?

GREAT I hope!

I wanted to take a minute to talk about a FALL tradition we do around our little casa. Remember how I told you about my 4th of July picture tradition with Jaxon in July? Well…I also do a FALL picture tradition with Jaxon too. It’s WAY fun and I really look forward to it each year!!

All you need to do is grab your babies and find something FALLish to use for a prop or backdrop. Maybe there’s a pumpkin patch in your area? Make it a family date to visit! Most offer free admission which is GREAT for the ol’ budget!! I did Jaxon’s first two years at the pumpkin patch, this year I took him to a YUMMY rusty old truck…and lugged a pumpkin along. Super easy…and SUPER cute!

Here’s all of his FALL pictures so far!

I just had his most recent one printed and was looking at how I wanted to frame it. I almost cried actually…it’s so crazy looking at how much your baby has grown!!! Goodness!

I also chuckled a little bit after my sad moment…my photography skills have grown so much!! YAY!! It’s neat to see how you grow in our technique and skills too!!

Here are some of his sneak peeks for his session. He was being a BIG STINKER too. Don’t let the smiles fool you….I had to work HARD for them!

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This is a new “a la carte” item I’m doing for my clients too! And I LOVE it!!!!!  Capturing our babies personalities with their session. WAY FUN! And you wanna know why he’s laughing so hard…because I had to JUMP up and DOWN over and over to get him to LAUGH! You have to WORK it for the SMILES! LOL!
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It’s time to plan your baby’s fall pictures!!! Find a photographer in your area [[if you are in my area– give me a shout!!]] or get your camera out…and GET CREATIVE!!

Have a BLESSED day!!

