
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Airstream LOVE!

Hi everyone! I’m back!! I survived my first awesome-tastic weekend of class and Alpine! To say we had a SUPERB time…is an understatement! It was a life-changing adventure and I can’t wait to share all the juicy details!!! BUT…for today…I had to share a treasure I found.

You know I love Airstreams. Love love love them. Remember THIS post??

Well…I found another GORGEOUS Airstream makeover. And my wheels are spinning…I want ONE!!!

All images are via Re-Nest from the Julie's Artist in Residence





Love love love love it….all.






I would totally ROLL this COOL CAR around town!


And finally….her art studio!


Read the entire article HERE!

Hmmmm…I totally need to find an Airstream for my Alpine adventures. How fun would that be??

Hope you all are having a GREAT week! How did it already get to be Tuesday?? Good gravy!!!



Friday, August 26, 2011

Ooooh Yaaaay!

Hi friends! I am blogging from the MOUNTAINS! I'm in Alpine for my first weekend of grad classes. I'm super DORKED OUT. I brought my laptop..and my printer. And I have my whole little office set-up in my cute little cottage. So awesome! I finalized all my registration stuff when we drove into town I'm good to go for in the morning! THOREAU all day tomorrow...and half of Sunday! Fun times!!

As I mentioned earlier this week, we went to another set of mountins, the Guadalupe National Park and hiked the McKittrick Canyon trail. It was SO FUN! And Jax did SO GOOD!! I was so proud of him!! Here's a few pictures I took...because you know I lugged my camera up the trail!!!

The bestest little hiker ever! I was so proud of how great he did!

I've got some MORE really neato ones that I entered into a special contest!! I actually just found out I won so I'm SUPER excited!! Stay tuned! I'll be in class and exploring this precious little town. I  probably won't be blogging until we get home! I hope you all have an INSPIRED and BLESSED weekend!!!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Craft sneak peek and a road trip to the mountains!

Well can you believe…I’m almost done with our salt dough craftie! Good gravy that was the longest post ever! Well not really the post. It was the whole process that took awhile!! Let’s just say by the time we finished…my entire family participated in some manner to finish the project!!

Here’s a teeny sneak peek at what the end result looks like!


I'm pretty smitten with them! Too sweet!!!

By the time  you are even reading this I will  probably be long gone down a Texas highway headed here….


image via: Texas Explorer

It is McKittrick Canyon in the Guadalupe Mountains. I don’t think the leaves will be changing just yet though!


image via: Texas Trip Spring 2005

My brother decided the whole family should go hiking and do a  picnic. It will be Jax’s first hiking adventure. I think we will be content trying to take pretty pictures…and staying cool. It should be a LOT of fun though! My camera battery is charging as I type.

This weekend I’ll be in a whole different set of mountains for my first weekend of graduate classes! Time is FLYING BY! That will a whole new adventure too!

Get ready for a BUSY and BUMPY ride this week! We have a LARGE  TO-DO list and not many days to get it all done!!



Monday, August 22, 2011

I can’t wait to DVR this!!

Yahooooo! Here’s a sneak peek of Pioneer Woman’s new show on Food Network. Oh so exciting!! I can’t wait to DVR this and watch it during my Mamma TV time!




Friday, August 19, 2011

Family Handprint Craft Project

Happy FRIDAY friends!! Hope you had a TERRIFIC week! We sure did! For this week’s craftie we made a pretty stinkin’ cute project!!
I’ve seen a few of these floating around in bloggie/craftie land, but they are all “whole” family projects. And by that, I mean, there’s you know…the Daddy and the Mamma and the kiddos handprints.
BUT…you know me…the single Mom crafting rebel. By gosh…we were going to have a cute framed handprint craft too!! We are our “own-kind-of-whole-family.” Just because your family may be a little different…doesn’t mean you aren’t a family!
SO…that thinking…was my inspiration behind our craftie!! And I absolutely LOVE IT!
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Gather your supplies. You should have all of this on-hand! I used scrapbook paper I already had and a frame that I had too!! If you do not have scrapbook paper, use magazine pages with pretty colors, patterns or textures! Use what you have!!
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Trace your hand and and your kiddos’ hands. Trace all of your FAMILY hands-or have a family craft night and have everyone trace their own hands! Then cut them out! If your kiddos are old enough to cut them out this would be a great way to incorporate them in the craft fun!
Use a different patterned paper for a background and begin gluing handprints to your background by gluing the largest hand to the background paper first. Follow with each size-appropriate handprint until you reach the last wittle one!
Add any extra adornments you want for jazzing your picture up! I used the back side of the scraps from our handprints to make a heart!  I also wanted to incorporate the word “family” in ours as well…and with a few family oriented magazines laying around…I just knew I could find it! And JACKPOT…easy as pie…I found one!
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See…take a closer gander…..
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You could also look for words such as “faith” or “love” in your magazines at home to personalize  your frame.
Once you are done with your cute masterpiece…slide it into your frame and admire your GORG artwork!! Your kiddos will love it too! Jaxon loved that it was his hand in the picture!
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I can’t find the perfect home for it yet…I want it in a really visible place so that anyone who visits our home can see it! We are a proud FAMILY!
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I love it because for me it is a symbol of the love I share with my little Jaxy…and we are united as a family…with LOVE! Craft projects can be simple…and portray a strong energy of love in your home. I’m a huge believer that we are responsible for the energy we bring into a place…and when you come to our house…I hope you can feel positive energy and LOTS of LOVE!
And don’t forget – if you aren’t the cookie-cutter-family – you are a family too – and can make cute FAMILY CRAFTIES TOO!
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Have a MARVELOUS and BLESSED week!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Rules of Civility: A Swanky, Enthralling Read…

“If we only fell in love with the people who were perfect for us, he said, then there wouldn’t be so much fuss about love in the first place,” stated Tinker Grey, the charming, handsome man who seemed to have it all in Amor Towles Rules for Civility. As we get older, we find that love has eluded us, confused us, brought out the best in us, and develops into a vital part of what our lives become. The sound of an old song, or the smell of a familiar fragrance or even a photograph of an old friend or flame can bring back an entire memory and moment in life.


Read the rest of my review by

clicking HERE!!!

Have a SUPER-DUPER Thursday!!!


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Toddler Recliner–Salvation Army treasure find!

I always talk about how I find treasures in the most unlikely places. And I never mention that at times, I am a little scared of some of the things I find junking. LOL. And by scared I mean, break out in hives maybe…quit breathing…freak out. Ha ha ha ha…okay so maybe not that bad! But sometimes…there’s some gnarly stuff in thrift stores.

My Mom spotted this little toddler recliner the other day at our local Salvation Army, and she totally fell in love. I on the other hand, wasn’t too convinced. It just seemed yuck-a-delick to me. But I’m glad she didn’t let me talk her out of getting it. Jaxon loves it.

I did scrub-a-dub-dub it for awhile in the bath tub. With steaming hot water and laundry detergent. You know…to kill any weird heebie jeebie germs.☺
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This picture doesn’t really show how dirty it really was. Hence…my heebie jeebies.
Once I scrubbed it and let it dry…it was really  perfect. And it rocks too!
Jaxon thinks it’s perfect for him and his stinker-pot chihuahua and sidekick – Lola.

He likes to do crazy poses when I pull out the camera.

He even made Lola do a funny pose.
Those two – they are always getting in trouble or being silly together!

I thought I was going to immediately try to re-cover the recliner, but right now it’s okay the way it is. It matches the colors in Jaxon’s room. If I get the urge, I might jazz it up a bit. We don’t exactly have Noah’s Ark decorations anywhere…but for now it works!

I’ve started an Operation Organize Everything Mission before I go to graduate school. LOL. I cleaned out my freezer, fridge and pantry today! Oh my word! I’m already so much happier with how it looks.
Here’s a little picture teaser…I used super cheap items for the Dollar Tree to transform my freezer and some other areas in my kitchen. It was an easy and cheap transformation that I think is going to make a HUGE difference in the amount of food we DO NOT WASTE and in our overall eating habits! Stay tuned for those updates!017

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The “good ‘ol days” make me smile!

I don’t know about you… things of my childhood and teenage years make me smile. I even have an entire Pinterest board dedicated to them. LOL

Some recent funnies that I have found that I thought were too cute not to share are…..


image via: Pinterest

This one made me laugh out loud!!For reals. I sooooooo do!!! How can it be 20 years ago??

Or what about this lunchbox….


image via: Pinterest

Does anyone else remember how the screen/game would start messing up…and you would take the cartridge out…blow into it…bang on the top of the box…put it back in…and PRESTO it would work…for a little bit anyways! Ha ha ha ha ha!! I would totally use this lunchbox now. OH so groovy!

This poster cracked me up too!!! If we could only count the times our tapes were “eaten” and we had to wind it back up with a PENCIL!!! Our kids will never know what that was like!! Or what it was like to make MIXED TAPS!☺


image via: Pinterest

And because we discussed these earlier in reference to my fabulous friendship bracelets…SWATCH PHONES!!!


image via: Pinterest

And Debbie Gibson ELECTRIC YOUTH PERFUME too!!!


image via: Pinterest

And I’m pretty sure…these FAB-DABULOUS smelling markers…played a large role…in my love for crafting…coloring…and everything ARTSY!


image via: Pinterest

If you Pinterest, you should create a board to save all of your OLDIES but GOODIES that you love. It’s SUPER FUN!!


Happy TUESDAY!!!



Monday, August 15, 2011

Friendship Bracelet Swap 2011–follow up!

Happy Monday sweet cheeks! Hope your weekend was restful and marvelous. Mine was very restful…and overall pretty marvelous.

Today I wanted to show off all my cute bracelets I received from my fab-dabulous blog sistas! Remember how I told you to bust out your Swatch phones and Electric Youth perfume….and hurry your hinies up to sign up for the….


Well…I hope you DID! If not – you really missed out! It was SO FUN! Getting crafty mail is as exciting as CHRISTMAS! It’s way TOO FUN!

See all my goodies….

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Treasures from like-minded crafty sistas – it just doesn’t’ get any better than that!

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I was pretty lucky if I do say so myself. My trade partners are pretty awesome ladies.

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Although I do have to confess, I didn’t make mine. With my brother being here on leave, on top of a book review and all of my regular editing and photography work…there was no time to make a cute bracelet. But FYI – I did go to Hobby Lobby in an attempt to put a cute “alternative” bracelet together…and found pre-made friendship bracelets. Thank you bunches Hobby Lobby! They were SUPER cute too!

But these ladies…made theirs. And they ROCK!

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My brother brought me a pretty special bracelet too. Not knowing anything about my little trade. What perfect timing! He had a friend make it out of parachute cord. He told me I had to wear it forever. I bawled…and he made fun of me. [Those tough military guys – who would cry at a bracelet!?! That’s what he asked me! Ha ha!! I WOULD!]] Anyone who has a loved one in the military, who is back and forth from the Iraq/Afghanistan efforts knows…that something like that isn’t taken lightly. Of course I will wear it f.o.r.e.v.e.r.

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Hmmmm…it looks like I got my wrist-ful of bracelets…just like I wanted!

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If you didn’t sign up this time…watch out for the next round!! You must participate!! Trading friendship bracelets with bloggie girls…is SU-PAH THUMBS UP FUN!!


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Click HERE if you want to see the original post  by Ruffled Sunshine about the trade to bookmark it so you can participate next time!!


Have a ROCKIN’ BLESSED  beginning of the week!
