
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Why I love my job…

This came in my email today…..


Dear Tiffany,
We’re thrilled to announce a special holiday edition of our Write for a Cause book drive for children.
We are working with and HarperCollins Publishing House to equip hundreds of childhood literacy programs across the country with age-appropriate books this coming year – and we need your help!

Taking Part is Easy: For every eight articles written and approved from December 1 through December 15 two things will happen:
1)      Demand Media will fund one new book that will distribute to children in need.
2)      HarperCollins Publishing House will match that book donation, doubling the number of books in the hands of little ones all across the country.

Be a Part of Something Big: In the previous three Write for a Cause campaigns, our dedicated writers and editors together donated more than 41,000 new children’s books. Combining your creative talent and our philanthropic partnerships, this edition of Write for a Cause promises to be our most successful to date. To learn more about those on the receiving end of the book drive, watch this video from our friends at FirstBook.

Have Fun Doing It: To make sure everyone wins by Writing for a Cause, we will be awarding daily prizes to participants. Past prizes have included the Complete New Yorker Gift Set, autographed editions of popular books and recognition in a widely distributed press release. Every article you write is a chance to win.

We urge you to pledge some of your time and creativity this December and make a difference in the lives of thousands of underserved children.


♥♥This is my favorite thing about my job. Demand Studios is all about giving back. I love that my little articles will be a part of something SOOO much bigger. Books for kids. I will cry just thinking about it. My teacher heart is all about kiddos having EVERY opportunity to read…and have their OWN BOOKS! Love this! Love DEMAND MEDIA STUDIOS!!

Happy Tuesday friends!


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

“Give Thanks” bunting

I found this LOVELY and CUTE bunting this week! I am such a SUCKER for bunting. I ♥ it! This one is right up my JUNKARIFIC alley…and it’s just shabby enough to be FABULOUS!
You can download your own from Moselle by clicking HERE
I just love their look & style…I think you will too!! It is PERFECT if you are hosting Thanksgiving!! It’s perfect CUTE decor!!
Here is mine in all it’s glory! I had already put it up when I took pics. WAY bad idea. It was hard to get a good pic!! So…sorry for the not-so-stellar pics…but you can at least get an idea of what it looks like!☺
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I printed mine out…cut it out…and added a few extra details! Not much though…lace and a few paper pinwheel-thingys!!
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You could personalize this in so many cute ways! I procrastinated…and I don’t have time to do much more! BUT…I LOVE IT!!! I put it over my sink in the kitchen…so everyone who comes tomorrow for Thanksgiving will see it and can be reminded to GIVE THANKS for all of their blessings!
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If you do make one, don’t forget to add it to the Moselle Flickr gallery!!☺ I am adding mine…but later…when I can get BETTER PICS!
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A few random Jax pics from this week too!!
His granny bought him a kaleidoscope. I keep trying to show him how to look into it with ONE eye. He thinks you put it on your NOSE! It’s pretty funny!
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He’s been a BIG stinker today…of all days when I don’t have time for it! I’m trying to pre-bake, clean and prepare for tomorrow and he’s making messes and doing crazy stuff!
Here he is…at my desk…when he knows he’s NOT supposed to be! Just look at his face…he knows he’s NOT supposed to be there!
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I made cupcakes for my BFF’s birthday today…and he totally hijacked this one!
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He tried to hide the evidence in the TOILET!! I had to fish out a CUPCAKE from the toilet…while preparing for Thanksgiving festivities! It’s never boring at our house!!
I made heart-shaped biscuits…for our traditional Harwell family dressing for tomorrow!!
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And speaking of dressing….and traditions…here is an OLD SCHOOL pic of my BFF/sister LORIE and I baking Harwell family dressing about 5 years ago!! It’s our FAVORITE! Half of our fun on Thanksgiving is sister time in the kitchen! We have a blast! Mimosas…baking..laughing…and GOOD TIMES!
I hope everyone has an amazing, blessed and marvelous Thanksgiving!! I am so looking forward to spending the day with those I love so much…and praising God for all that I have been blessed with!

♥♥Rejoice always,  pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 ♥♥
Blessings & Love

Saturday, November 20, 2010

My weekend project

I have a MAMMA weekend – Jax is gone for visitation…so I get to do MAMMA projects that involve paint and messy things! YAY!!!! Here’s sneek peek at my PROJECT!

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I also get to do this!!

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Two…2…. TrUnQuE of JuNqUe photo sessions this weekend…SO FUN!!!♥

It’s a perfect SUNNY fall DAY for PICTURES! Can’t wait!!!♥


Thursday, November 18, 2010


God has worked in my life this week in MIGHTY ways. I’m still speechless…shocked and in awe at the power of God’s love in my life. I am forever grateful…and I am not the same person I was when I woke up yesterday. I still haven’t stopped crying…tears of joy! Someday soon I will blog about it. ♥

Today though…I have to share about Water4Christmas. I had no idea what it was until I started reading ♥♥MEG’S blog♥♥.

I love her. Love everything about her blog…her crafts…her photography…and her passion for Africa.

As a single Mom I definitely take less things for granted than I ever did when I was married…but I still think I need to be more and more grateful for MORE THINGS.

I never stop to realize that we are so blessed to live with CLEAN water. We have no idea what it is like to live WITHOUT basic necessities like water and electricity. Although I thank God every month when my utilities are paid…I never thank Him for just the blessing of HAVING these things.


Today MEG blogged about a way to give the gift of clean water in Africa.

Craft something.

Make something.

Create and give it to sell for donations to provide clean water for a village in Africa.


Click HERE to read her post!

I’m thinking of hosting a CRAFTING party to all the {creative girlies} in my community to make things to send. It would be awesome to send a piece of WEST TEXAS love!

I craft all the time for the love of it…this gives me a chance to pay it forward for my blessings…using my gift of crafting. Love it!♥


Let me know what you come up with and if you are participating! Click any of the images to learn more about Water4Christmas!!

Love & blessings!


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Clips of color


♥ I made these pillows the other day♥

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I am in with this polka-dot pattern!

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♥A few {crafties} made by Jax! I love having his {art work} all around the house-its like spreading his little love all over in every room!♥

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A few colorful clips of {holiday spirit} in our casa!

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I found MARVELOUS vintage decorations while {junking} this week!♥

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My Mom bought me two of these pretty sparklies! ♥ I love them – and they are semi-toddler proof – they CLIP

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Here’s part of our tree…I still haven’t put all the ornaments on…and I’m not sure if I will! As soon as I get a few on…a little stinker pulls a few off! This might just do for this year! ♥

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A few more {junking} scores!

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I painted this bread-box {of course} it was a drab brown with pink & blue hearts…now is MAGICAL turquoise! ♥

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Speaking of MAGICAL turquoise…this bad boy got a few coats as well for a new look….I’m EVEN more IN LOVE with it now!

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A little shelf by my desk with one of my favorite {rockin’ cowgirl} prints!

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Is it really NEXT WEEK! OMG!!!! Where is the time going?

Hope your week has been WONDERFUL….mine has been PHENOMENAL…

I am soooooo BLESSED!♥



Monday, November 15, 2010


I found this quote…and loved it. I took this picture the other day…and thought it was perfect for this {little quote}! Happy day!



Thursday, November 11, 2010

Happy Veteran’s Day'

Thank you to all the military men and women who serve and have served our country! Thank you for your dedication to our freedom and the sacrifices made to ensure the peaceful and blessed lives we lead.

I’d like to send a special thank you to my little brother. Love you so much Joshua.




Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Handprint Turkeys

We played in paint today! And it was OH SO FUN! Jaxon LOVES to paint. It usually gets everywhere…but it’s so much fun that I don’t mind the mess!
We painted handprint turkeys and they are precious! LOVE THEM!
Jaxon Thanksgiving 2010-final
To make your own you will need:
♥Various paint colors {I used brown, orange, red, blue & green}
♥Paint brushes
I used separate brushes to paint Jaxon’s palm brown and then a different color on each finger. ♦Keeping a toddler still with paint on his hands is CARAZZY fun!♦
I then just pressed his hand flat on the paper twice!
After the paint dried I went back and drew eyes, a beak and feet with a Sharpie!
I used my scanner to scan his MASTERPIECE to my computer and then added text to it using my photo editing program.
I love this! I’ll be printing & handing them out at Thanksgiving dinner to grandparents & loved ones.
I think this would be a great project to do every Thanksgiving and show how Jaxon’s hands grow every year! Yay!☺
Hope you enjoy & have a SUPER day!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Thanksgiving Invitation…

I sent these out this week to our family & friends who will be joining us for Thanksgiving this year! Yay! Can’t wait!!!!
Thanksgiving Invitation
And since I’m having a Mamma ♥brag♥ moment…here’s a few shots of my tooter at Halloween!
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He was not really thrilled about it at first!
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Until his BESTEST BUD showed up! He went trick-or-treating with his best friend Devan!
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Devan is the BEST {big} FRIEND ever. He has the sweetest ♥heart♥…and patience. Jaxon adores him!!!
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I just love this picture of them at the duck pond!
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We love DEVY and his sweet little sister Miss MYA! ♥