Friday, October 22, 2010
I {heart} pallets!!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
DrUm RoLL PuHLeAZe............
It'S oFFiCiAL, mY BeStIe & I aRe nOw BuSinEss PaRtNerZ!!
TrUnQuE of JuNQuE PhOtOgRaPhY is HeRe!!
We aRe nOw TaKinG aPPoiNtMenTs!!
ChEck Us OuT by cliCkiNg HeRe
or by CliCkiNg our BaNnEr AbOvE!!
HiT uS uP foR YoUr FaB SessIon!!
We aRe ebOoKed ThrU NoVemBer 6th!
SeTTing aPPoIntMentS TheReafTer! ♥!
loVe, huGz, & ShAg CarPet RugZ♥!
LoRie & TiFFaNy
{tE-He…wE aRe SooOOOoooo ExCiTeD!!}
Monday, October 18, 2010
Halloween tree!!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Saturday doodles….
I’m super obsessed with graphics and photography. {Hmmm…you knew that already}
I found some great sayings that I want to {play with} and make little clip-art picture thinga-ma-bobbies. Yeppers…those things.
Made one this afternoon…and it’s now time to get back to editing for work.
That’s right cowboys and cowgirls…pull those boots up….and SADDLE UP! John Wayne said so…SO IT IS SO. I’m totally in that KIND OF MOOD these days. It’s absolutely marvelous.
I’m painting a floor in between my {REAL} work stuff. It’s so darn cute that I’m tickled pink with myself. Sometimes I’m too cool for myself! Oh my gravy….so funny…and I’m soooo kidding!! But it REALLY is FABULOUS. Is it possible to be smitten with a FLOOR???
Adios chickadees…and chickadoos….
LoVe…PeAcE….and ChIcKeN GrEaSe!!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Little girls are just perfect-
I had the honor of taking pictures of my best friends little girl….Miss Mya Landrie.
And can I just say…she is a PERFECT PRINCESS. No really….she’s an absolute doll. I cannot put into words how precious she is…and just BEAUTFIUL!!!!
I just had to share a few of the pictures. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m used to taking pictures of Jaxon…aka TAZ / WILDMAN who is NEVER STILL…or if she’s just soooooo SWEET and PERFECT that she’s already a precious little SUPER MODEL.
Whatever it was…it was an easy…enjoyable shoot…well besides the MONSTROUS MOSQUITOS…..
and I’m OH SO PROUD of how great the pictures turned out!!!
P.S. I’m super stoked too…my BFF and I have business plans that are T-TOTALLY rockin’!!! {{As if we aren’t already big enough JACK-OF-ALL-TRADE girls as it is!!!}}