
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Free lunch notes…

With the start of a new school year…I’ve seen some really cute ideas for kicking things off with style. I love the beginning of a new school year…I can still smell a new box of crayons!! Oh and new supplies…how exciting!!
I found some super-duper cute lunch notes to download and print for your sweet-ums lunches.
These are from Paper & Pomegranates…super duper cute bloggie!! Click HERE to download your own free lunch box labels!
Because my little munchkin is not quite old enough for school I think I’ll use them for some other notes…or even labels!!

Monday, August 30, 2010

I’m ready for FALL!!!

I was looking at my calendar for September this morning to organize bills and appointments…and I realized…FALL IS ALMOST HERE!!!
Fall is MY SEASON. I seriously love the Fall. I always have. I love how you can pretty much SMELL fall in the air when the seasons change from summer to fall.
My favorite FALL song (everyone should have SEASON songs b)
Watch The Wind Blow
{Tim McGraw}
Creek goes rippling by
I’ve been barefoot
and all day with my baby
Brown leaves have started falling
Leading the way
I like it best just like this
Doing nothing all the way
So let’s lay down in the tall grass
Dreaming away

And all I wanna do is let it be and be with you
And watch the wind blow by

I love how fall candles smell…spicy..pumpkiny..cozy..smells of warmth and goodness!!
And who doesn’t love  FALL goodies such as popcorn balls…pumpkin pies..and carmel apples!
What I LOVE the mostest and greatest about the FALL is…..FALL HOLIDAYS and FALL DECORATIONS!
I am that person and that girl who thinks about decorating pumpkins in August…and putting out Christmas decorations the day after Halloween! I know…it’s silly!! But oh so fun!!!
Sooooo….in lieu of the upcoming Fall season and holidays…I’ve already began planning my pumpkin decorations. Oh my…can you believe?? Here are a few ideas I’m using for inspiration this year….
*A pumpkin topiary (minus the creepy spider…eeew)
*Night-Light pumpkins…
*Blingy Pumpkins
*Lacy pumpkins…
*Sew cute pumpkins….
*Crafty deco pumpkins…
*Flower-power pumpkins…
*Pumpkin wreath…
*Monogram Pumpkins…
*Vintage owl pumpkins (too cute!)….

And drum roll please……… for my ABOSLUTE FAVORITES!!!
Image credits: Better Homes & Gardens
Now tell the truth…doesn’t that get your FALL decorating juices flowing??? I’d love to hear about your pumpkin decorating ideas!!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

I {heart} chicken wire…

I’ve seen a variety of chicken wire memo boards in blog land recently. I’ve loved them from the moment I set my eyes on them!
I had to make one for myself. Thank goodness my little Madre had a roll of chicken wire at the farm…and she let me cut a few feet to play with!
I’m swamped in editing for the weekend…but I just had to take an artsy break to play! This is how mine turned out! Love it!!!
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This was such an easy project! I also used vintage buttons to decorate my clothes pins…you know…to make mine “my own” and unique!
Happy weekend!!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Making it pretty with paint…

Howdy! I hope everyone is doing fantabulous! Jax and I are dong wonderful. I’ve been meaning to do an update post on things I’ve painted for my bedroom to get back into the blog-swing-of-things. But with everything going on around here…I’ve had to work on a little bit at a time!
PLUS…this morning I found that my email had been HACKED into! What the french…toast!!!
I called YAHOO and evidently it’s like a spammer that is in their system…and it sends out SPAM mail to everyone on your contact list. OH MY GRAVY…yes I said everyone. It’s very embarrassing. There are people (esp. soon-to-be-EX-in-laws) that it sent that darn message to. Not including my work contacts and just everyone in between. E.M.B.A.R.R.A.S.S.I.N.G.
My BFF had the same thing happen just a few weeks ago and I laughed and laughed. It was a link to a website to buy Viagra. When it happened to me I realized….it’s NOT AT ALL FUNNY!
Soooo peeeps…FYI…if this happens to you…the Yahoo lady said all we can do to defend ourselves is change our password. That’s it! I’m thinking about just creating a whole new email. I haven’t decided yet. But…now I guess not even our email accounts are safe from hackers. Isn’t that LOVELY!!!
Anywho…here are some pics of my bedroom progress. I’ve been on a mission to go mainly white. My Mom and I had found all of the elements to re-do my bedroom long before the bottom fell out of my world.  I’ve slowly been working on it now that things are somewhat calmer. So far I’m digging it. It’s part of my NEW LIFE. And I LOVE IT!
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I found my headboard at Goodwill for $15. It was funky oak…but I knew those chunky features would be gorgeous with my favorite…white paint. And BTW…there are little hints of Jax in all of these pictures. I thought about staging the pics…but where’s the personality in that?? This is our {REAL} life.
My side tables started as this:
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$4.99 at Goodwill
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Free family hand-me-down.
And here they are with a coat of fresh white!
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Here they are in their little spaces.
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See the little toys on the bed…ha ha ha ha.
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Here are a few wall decorations that I’ve redone as well.
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Thrift store items…the shelf was a yuck brown and I painted it.
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This is a pair of shelves that were a flat, dingy looking black. I think they were $2.99 each at Goodwill. Silver spray paint made them have a whole new life!
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My lamps are also Goodwill finds. They were either $5 or $6. I love them!
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This round, leaf frame was goldy brassy yuck. It’s now pretty silver…but I have yet to figure out what I want to put in it. Ha ha ha.
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This pair of metal tins and frame that hang above my bed are all thrift store goodies. They were black. White is so much better!!
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Also items I had…that needed a coat of white paint.
My curtains were also super cheap bargains that I already had…but needed to hang up! White flat sheets from Wal-mart. The twin sizes are $4 and Full are $6. You cannot beat that for curtains. Just snip a hole at the top inseam of the sheet and voila!!  I love how they are flowy and airy. In time…I hope to add some fluffy ribbons or poofs maybe to them. I found a cool tutorial to add ruffles…but that’s way down the line in time for me!
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A few other pieces in my bedroom are….
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This super cool dresser…a Salvation Army find a few months back. $25. I am thinking white paint…but simply haven't’ decided. Jax works on the handles as you can tell from all the missing ones!!! I also don’t know what hardware I would switch those out to? That’s 4 handles a drawer…times 6 drawers! Sheeesh!! I guess in time I’ll have a creative idea hit me for it!!!
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I’ve had this vanity forever now. I love it. It was also a past thrift store find.  I don’t think I’ll paint it because I like the old woody look it has. I do need to make a new little chair cushion though. That’s a treasure I found pre-divorce at a estate sale for $5. The red silk seat pad just isn’t happening. For now though…it will work!!
My favorite part of my new room is my pillow I made recently. It’s a JAXON HUG pillow. I traced those cute little hands for the pattern!
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I was able to make-over my room with what I had to make it MINE & JAXONS room. I think making your home YOUR OWN during a divorce helps the healing process. And as you can see…you can do it with what you have. I don’t have one extra penny to spare at this point…but it didn’t matter. USE WHAT YOU HAVE!!
Well I hope everyone has a SPLENDID and BLESSED week!!! Remember…change your YAHOO email passwords!!!