
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Corners of my home…

My Mom got a new fancy camera and brought it over today so I could play…oh my word…I’m in love. I went a tad crazy taking pics…I couldn’t help myself.
Moms Camera 011
Moms Camera 178
My little hen & chicks plant…it’s my fav!
Moms Camera 033
My Saint Theresa…patron of gardeners
Moms Camera 035
I’ve had a slight obsession with shells lately…I guess it’s the warm weather but I am craving the beach. And it’s a looooong way from my house in the West Texas desert. So these will have to do for now.
Moms Camera 044
Moms Camera 045
My rosaries…I’ve had these forever…I had this one with me when I delivered Jaxon….because I was scared out of my mind and needed a little assurance. *wink-wink*
Moms Camera 052
Moms Camera 053
I put my birdy and hen & chickie plant on candle holders…too funny…and way cute!
Moms Camera 054
More shells in my house.
Moms Camera 056
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Jax was trying to convince Granny he needed to go outside. He usually gets up there to see his fishies.
Moms Camera 070
Moms Camera 083
Lol. More shells.
Moms Camera 099
I even brought out my tea cups with seashell decals. 
Moms Camera 100
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Already posing for the camera.
Moms Camera 152
My terrariums.
Moms Camera 171
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Moms Camera 174
Happy Tuesday!


  1. Love your little guy! So cute! What kind of camera did you use for these shot?

  2. Hi Lori! Thanks for commenting! It's one of the higher-end Canon Rebel series cameras. I'll have to ask her what exact model number though!


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